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2024 paméran Rusia

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Dinten kahiji urang di Technotextil 2024~

Dinten kahiji urang di Technotextil 2024~

Our Booth: NO.B84!

he exhibition time is 3th-5th September.

We are waiting for you!If you are interested in hygiene industry or our company, you are warmly welcome to our booth, where professional staff will elaborate on our machinery, raw materials and management system service for you!

Kontak person: Steven Tang

Nomer telepon: + 86-18659800016

E-pos: [email protected]

website: www.cnwelldone.com



Dinten kadua kami di Technotextil 2024!


WELLDONE ngarepkeun pendak sareng anjeun dina Technotextil 2024!

disarankeun Produk
Gaduh Patarosan ngeunaan Pangaweruh Kabersihan?

Tim penjualan profésional kami ngantosan konsultasi anjeun.

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