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used sanitary pad making machine

The revolution in the management of menstrual hygiene for women happened when a special machine was invented which can prepare pads from new. While many may find it easy to just throw away used sanitary pads, this machine provides a sustainable alternative by recycling waste products into new ones. It is a cheaper option as well for women and this also helps in conserving mother nature.

Introduction to the special machine

The special machine is a complex mix of different components mingled together to express the desired solution. At first, the old pads are shredded in a shredder into fine particles The next step involves mixing these granules with a distinct liquid and allowing the mixture to blend together in a mixer. This slurry is then formed into new pads with a mold. Finally, new pads are dried well and prepared for future use by packing systematically.

Why choose Welldone Impamp used sanitary pad making machine?

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