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Ladies Saniter napkin nyieun jeung mesin packing

Ever given a thought as to how sanitary napkins are manufactured and packed? It's quite fascinating! Now let's look into the world of machines in sanitary napkin manufacturing.

In the case of producing a large number of sanitary napkins, performing each and every task manually can indeed be tiring. That is where the magic of automatic packing machines works. These machines are a one line conveyor napkin that places the fresh produced sheets for smooth transfer. When the napkins are on belt they will be properly packed and labeled with plastic to keep them away from Dirt & Dust until it reaches stores. Those machines are so effective they can make thousands of pads in a single day!

    The Napkin-Making Machine

    The napkin-making machine which is the central part of this whole project. This machine is made up of many components that work in unison to complete a napkin. The process starts with a roll of fluff pulp, the cotton-like substance that makes up the napkin's absorbent core. Then a layer of plastic is added to hold it together so the napkin won't disintegrate and fall apart when you wet/use it. Adding a sheet of tissue paper on top finishes the envelope.

    The processing of the production technology for feminine hygiene products is being truly revolutionised by the napkin-making and automated packaging machines. Long gone are the times where every napkin had to be precisely handmade. The process was much faster and simpler as compared to the manual sorting system, hence reducing labour amount.

    Why choose Welldone Impamp ladies sanitary napkin making and packing machine?

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