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Taking A Closer Look At The Fine Art Of Sanitary Pad Manufacture

Pads - When girls and women menstruate every month, to help them keep clean and comfortable during their periods, sanitary pads are an important item. Ever thought about how complex and sophisticated is the process behind making a pad? An inside-look at the making of these must-haves.

    The Time-Consuming Mechanism of Making a Sanitary Pad

    Sanitary pads are produced through a highly controlled and well thought out procedure. First and foremost, it begins with the diligence of choosing materials. These materials are usually a wicking layer, an absorbent core,waterproof barrier and soft toppers.

    Afterwards, the ideal dimensions of these materials are cut to measure with specialized cutting machines. From there, the various layers are carefully stuck together with a special type of glue. Once the glue is dry, they pads are passed through sorting and packaging in a way which afterwords ready to be delivered.

    Why choose Welldone Impamp sanitary pad manufacturing unit?

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